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Dru Meditation

find your inner stillness

Cloud in the Sky

Dru Meditation helps you find a depth of stillness from which you can look at the world in a different way and discover a new perspective on life.


Using powerful movement, breathing and concentration techniques, you gain access a deep inner peace, no matter what challenges you may be facing.

access the wisdom of the ages

Grounded in the wisdom of the yogic tradition, Dru takes you into the science of meditation, showing how to become physically relaxed, calm and yet alert.

Zen Garden

Become more conscious and aware every day on every level, from the physical body through to the deepest layers of your being.

the 3 stages of Dru meditation

Comfortable sitting and gentle awareness of the body and breath.
This mindful awareness reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, chronic pain and insomnia.

Conscious engagement of this stage of Dru Meditation will help you to become fully adept at mindfulness in your everyday life.

Awareness & acceptance

Exploring and understanding the vast landscape of our consciousness, described in the yogic tradition through models such as chakras and koshas.

This more refined level of practice helps you understand how the body, energy, emotions and thought are linked

Yogic models of conscious-ness

Advanced breathing techniques, mantras and kriyas which will empower your strengths and help you to deeply know yourself.

Transform your consciousness by learning to become the master of your emotions and mind.

Master your mind, design your life

What our students say...


The Dru meditation course has introduced me to a profound level of stillness that I look forward to repeating again and again.

Chrissy - Retired social worker

Stress relief

I have found Dru Meditation has helped me to remain calmer in stressful situations.
Paul - Television producer


If you are looking to find balance and peace in your life and greater health in body, mind and spirit the Dru Meditation Course is life changing.
Denyce - Yoga teacher


If you have been contemplating a Dru Yoga or Meditation online course don't hesitate, the depth of practice and connecting with others is excellent, especially for an online course.

Nicky - Mental health prevention officer

Free Yoga
Yoga Mats

Discovering yourself - maybe that's what it's all about. 

Alison Boyle, Dru UK

Sunset yoga.jpg

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