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Dru Ayurveda


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‘Happiness lies, first of all, in health.’

George William Curtis

The name Ayurveda comes from two Sanskrit words ayur meaning life and veda meaning knowledge. In a broad sense, Ayurveda gives us the wisdom and self-awareness to implement daily intentional choices to live a healthy, happy life. Ayurveda’s holistic approach to healing supports us to reconnect with our original nature—to maintain our energy and wellbeing so that we can make our unique contribution to life. 

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In our busy world many of us have lost connection with our inner being and to nature’s cycles and rhythms. Our working day now flows into the night as electronic devices stay on late and we travel across time zones at high speed. Ayurveda provides the tools to help us manage our ever-changing environment and ever-moving lifestyles to optimise our health and wellbeing on every level—body, energy, emotions, intellect and soul.

The fundamentals—5 elements, 3 doshas & 20 gunas

Vata is
air + space

Vata governs movement & creativity. Imbalance can lead to anxiety & sleep disorders.

Pitta is
fire + water

Pitta governs metabolism & change. Imbalance can cause irritability & stress.

Kapha is
earth + water

Kapha governs structure & stability. Imbalance can result in lethargy & depression.

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What our students say about Dru Ayurveda

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What our students say about Dru Ayurveda

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What our students say about Dru Ayurveda

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Vata is
air + space

Vata governs movement & creativity. Imbalance can lead to anxiety & sleep disorders.

Pitta is
fire + water

Pitta governs metabolism & change. Imbalance can cause irritability & stress.

Kapha is
earth + water

Kapha governs structure & stability. Imbalance can result in lethargy & depression.

When we understand the positive and negative aspects of each element and dosha, we can apply the practical wisdom of Ayurveda and design our daily life to live at our fullest potential—healthy, happy and fulfilled.

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5 elements, 3 doshas & 20 gunas

Ayurveda and yoga are sister sciences that recognise we are part of nature. Both have their roots in Sankhya philosophy, which explains the fundamental premise that every thing in the known cosmos, including us, is made of the same 5 basic elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth.


The different combinations of these elements are systematised in Ayurveda as three basic principles, or subtle energies, known as doshas—vata, pitta and kapha.


Everything, material and non-material, has a unique doshic imprint and is a combination of the qualities or gunas of the 5 elements.

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Like attracts like

Opposites balance

Balancing the doshas

Dosha means ‘that which changes.’
By the natural law ‘Like attracts like’ everything happening within and outside of us affects our doshic balance—the food we eat, the supplements we take, the therapies we receive, the books we read, our interactions, the type of exercise we do, the times of day we do things, the seasons and the environment. The elemental qualities of the doshas have a particular impact on our body, mind and emotions, making one or more dosha dominant. 

Knowledge of the qualities of the five elements and thus the three doshas is essential to keep our doshas in balance, so that we can function at our highest level as human beings.

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